
  • I start every reading with your birthday and pulling a signifying card. We talk as we shuffle and then I lay a spread we call The Celtic Cross. 30 minutes allows us to go through each card in the spread.

    $60 - 30 Minute Reading

  • I start every reading with your birthday and pulling a signifying card. We talk as we shuffle and then I lay a spread we call The Celtic Cross. 30 minutes allows us to go through each card in the spread, 60 minutes allows us time to pull clarifying cards on top of the spread for deeper insight.

    $120- 60 Minute Reading

  • 5 Participants or more.

    Group discounts happen when I come and read everyone in party one at a time in succession. We find a quiet corner or private room and each person receives a 15 minute Celtic Cross reading

    $25 - per person

    *Tipping is never expected but always appreciated.

Theta-Healing® and Reiki

  • A combination of Reiki, a hands off energy healing technique, coupled with a deep state mediation utilizing your brain’s theta wave length. We will reveal your creative potential, put an end to fears and phobias, strengthen spiritual connections, and release blockages in your manifestation.

    Crystals chosen for your energy grid applied to chakra points throughout session.


  • A combination of Reiki, a hands off energy healing technique, coupled with a deep state mediation utilizing your brain’s theta wave length. We will reveal your creative potential, put an end to fears and phobias, strengthen spiritual connections, and release blockages in your manifestation.

    Crystals chosen for your energy grid applied to chakra points throughout session.

    $80 - In House

    $100 - Travel to you

  • Our four legged friends needs energetic healing as well. I’ve been contacted to perform distance Reiki for pets who are coming through surgery, birth complications, broken bones and behavioral issues.

    if you are located in the 508 area of Massachusetts, I can come to you at your vet office or home.

    If you’re located further we will treat remotely.

    $40 20 minutes

Learn Tarot

  • You want to learn Tarot, but either like privacy or can’t make my quarterly classes, this one on one option is for you.

    *The privacy of one on one classes allows you to ask more questions than the group class.

    *We meet for one hour, once a week for six successive weeks (i.e. Tuesdays at 7)

    *Class starts with Minor Arcana

    Week 1- Wands

    Week 2- Cups

    Week 3- Pentacles

    Week 4- Swords

    Week 5- Major Arcana

    Week 6- Reading Popular Spreads

    Cost $300

  • Every season I hold a 6 week tarot course for up to 10 students at a time. This allows us to practice reading on one another.

    Class starts with the Minor Arcana

    Week 1- Wands

    Week 2- Cups

    Week 3- Pentacles

    Week 4- Swords

    Week 5 Major Arcana

    Week 6- Reading Popular Spreads

    Cost: $250

Paranormal Investigation

  • A haunting is described as a dwelling inhabited by unseen forces how can cause mischief, havoc or fear. Haunted houses are very common, as people who once loved a place choose to dwell there eternally. This can included souls who lived many years ago as well as demonic entities. Which are entities who have not lived as a human but come to invoke fear. Energetic beings live off the energy of people and thrive in traffic areas, such as grocery stores, museums and malls; they also regularly inhabit homes. If you live in a home with an energetic entity you will experience many of he following feelings

    *feelings of being watched when you’re home alone.

    *A foreboding feeling when entering the dwelling. Sometimes a shudder/shiver, an uneasy feeling or a feeling of not wanting to enter

    *guests or guests pets refusing to enter

    *seeing shadows or movement out of your peripheral vision.

    *items moving on their own, such as toys, rocking chairs, balls, drawers and cabinets opening and doors swinging or slamming.

    *items disappearing and reappearing in the same place you had left it days earlier, only it wasn’t there and couldn’t be found until it reappeared.

    *lights, tvs and phones sensitive the extra energy can show the presence of an unearthly energy by flickering.

    *abrupt personality changes in people who live in the dwelling are not always subject to possession but must never be ruled out especially if you know your house to be haunted.

    Extreme Cases:

    *Ectoplasm- a clear to white raw egg like substance that can appear from nowhere

    *if anyone if your home sees a full bodied apparition, it is best to contact us right away.

  • You’re convinced you have a haunting and sage hasn’t helped. We are ready to step in and see how I can help.

    *First, I will ask you to start keeping a journal of all experiences had by each member of the home so we can see if there is a pattern to time and hot spots in the house. Also, try to notice if things started happening after bringing home a used item as some items have attachments. if that’s the case I will clear the item and your home will return to peaceful state.

    *When we come for the investigation, we will set up video and sound equipment in areas we determined to be hot spots and try to capture any movement or sounds. We will use many forms of communication from pendulums, dowsing rods to spirit boxes and emf readers.

    *once I determine what’s going on, I will try my best to REMOVE it. I am not just investigating, but will also use every tool I have to help it cross over.

    *I can not guarantee it will cross over.

    *At the end of the investigation you will receive a copy of all video and audio clips as well as notes and photographs pertaining to your home.

  • I was raised in a demon possessed home. For the first 20 years of my life I endured all of the signs of a haunted house and more. As a psychic and clairsentient person, I would wake in the night to find full human figures standing over my bed as I tried to sleep. This went on for years until I saw my first apparition in waking hours. We did everything we knew how, we had priests come and bless the house, we had called people in the phone book who claimed they could help. They all ran out and never came back. Babysitters would be sitting outside when my mom would get home and never return. As a middle schooler, friends would call their parents to come get them between midnight and 3am. No one ever spent the night fully. No matter what we did the demon stayed and lived in the closet of my siblings room. My sibling grew increasingly hostile, moody, violent and abusive until he finally broke free and moved out. The house was sold when I was 21, but the buyers turned around and sold it within 6 months.

    I understand what it feels like to be afraid to be home. I know what it feels like to fall asleep knowing you’ll be woken with fear. I believe people when they say something is going on in their home. And now at 41 I’ve made it my life mission to learn all I can to help others experiencing a paranormal entity find peace and comfort in the same home they’re afraid of now.

Energy Cleansing

  • Energetic house cleansing is recommended when first purchasing a home to help remove the energetic imprint from previous owners. This can include unsettling feelings when entering a space, energetic noises and disruptions, and the feeling of another presence.

    This technique can also be used to cleanse the home of apparitions and demonic entities preventing their return.

    $100 for the entire structure